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Why do Jews believe in one God, and what does that belief actually entail? Explore the Jewish concept of God, the origins of monotheism, and the deep questions it raises about faith, free will, and the existence of evil. Through humor and candid reflections, uncover how this ancient belief continues to shape our understanding of justice, morality, and our place in the universe.

Big Ideas
  1. One of the most important and ever-changing relationships in our lives is our relationship with God.
  2. God is often experienced in spiritual moments, in nature, and in history.
  3. Many proofs have been suggested for the existence of God, but at its core it is a matter of faith.
Essential Questions
  1. What is our relationship with God today and what do we aspire it to be like in the future?
  2. What are different ways of encountering or imitating God?
  3. What are the different proofs that have been given for God’s existence and what is the role of faith?

Funding for this program is being provided through a grant from the Mayberg Foundation, The Zalik Foundation Fund, and The Weisfeld Family Charitable Foundation. This project is in partnership with the Jewish Education Innovation Challenge.

Grade Level
High School
Middle School
Post High School

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