Unpacked for Educators

Empowering you with educational tools that bring the best of Judaism and Israel into your .

Teach with Nuance

We create the things you need to make teaching easier. Find curated videos, premium resources and nuanced educational tools to use in virtual or physical settings. Our staff of educators understands your busy schedule and what it means to teach today’s connected generation.

Unpacked content is appropriate for students aged 10 and up.

Educators’ picks

FILMSustainable Nation
Celebrate Tu B'shvat by exploring Israeli innovations to solve the global water crisis.
VIDEODo humans have free will?
Examine the age old questions surrounding fate and free will from a Jewish perspective.
NEWUnpacked Jr.
Check out our newest content for elementary school-aged children
ArticleUnpacking Israel through Political Cartoons
Analyze Israeli society's reaction to the ceasefire/hostage agreement through political cartoons
RESOURCETeaching Israel with maps
Explore the story and complexity of Israel through maps from throughout Israeli history

Whether you are teaching in front of your students, or from behind a computer screen, our resources are easy to integrate into your instruction and can be used in all types of educational frameworks.

Teach with Nuance

Expose your students to multiple viewpoints on challenging questions and issues, showing that life is rarely black and white

Leverage Film and Media

Unlock your students’ passion for Judaism and Israel with the exciting world of film and media

Easy Access from Anywhere

Web-based resources and videos can be accessed by educators who are teaching in person or remotely

What Unpacked Educators Say

"Unpacked's resources provide avenues to explore, study and develop that relationship without forcing one perspective over another. What I am most impressed with is that the materials are free from political bias and religious dogma. They really are the best of Judaism and Israel education."
Lisa Sandler
Educator, Temple Kol Emeth Religious School, Marietta, GA.
Seemingly overnight, the History of Israel Explained video series has become a staple of our 12th grade, year-long Israel seminar.
Neil Rubin, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Jewish History Beth Tfiloh Dahan High School Baltimore, Md.
Unpacked for Educators is the curriculum I’ve been waiting 30 years for.
Lawrence Goldstine
Lawrence Goldstine
Jewish History and Modern Israel Teacher, Gray Academy of Jewish Education, Winnipeg, Canada
"Unpacked for Educators is at the cutting edge of Jewish education, firing on all cylinders and one step ahead of the game at all times."
Rabbi Eddie Shostak
Menahel at Yeshivat Or Chaim, Bnei Akiva Schools, Toronto, Canada
The Unpacked for Educators curriculum gives our students the opportunity to engage and learn about their roots, so they can feel more proud and empowered to be a religious Zionist Jew!
Rabbi Arye Sufrin
Rabbi Arye Sufrin
Head of School YULA Boys High School
"Having a resource which is accessible, engaging and relevant to our curriculum and our students' lives is an incredible boon to me, our teachers and our students. Knowing that it is relatively objective as can be in such a highly polarized world is such a relief in these ideologically fraught times."
Ilan Bloch
Director of Jewish Life and Learning, King David School, Melbourne, Australia

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