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Ever tried to live a truly intentional life? Turns out, it's hard! Explore the tension between maintaining a fulfilling spiritual life while managing the demands of everyday life. Inspired by Jewish wisdom and personal experiences, uncover the balance between divine connection and practical living, and examine practical tips for finding a unique path to holiness without burning out.

Big Ideas
  1. There are many legitimate approaches in Judaism to being holy.
  2. Holiness is a part of everyday life, not just rare moments of spiritual transcendence. 
  3. Holiness is created through a partnership between humans and God.
Essential Questions
  1. What is “holiness” and what does it mean to be holy?
  2. What are practical steps that we can take to being more holy?
  3. What are different paths toward holiness within Judaism, and what do they say about what Jews consider important? 

Funding for this program is being provided through a grant from the Mayberg Foundation, The Zalik Foundation Fund, and The Weisfeld Family Charitable Foundation. This project is in partnership with the Jewish Education Innovation Challenge.

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