Long before comic book superheroes, Americans have found inspiration, morality, comfort, and courage in the Jewish heroes of the Hebrew Bible. From Samson and Ruth to King David, Daniel, and Elijah, stories from the Hebrew Bible have helped shape American culture and politics since its founding.
Big Ideas
- These biblical heroes' stories have significantly influenced American leaders, activists, and thinkers in their pursuit of justice, liberty, and righteousness.
- The narratives of these ancient avengers serve as reminders of America's core values of faith, resilience, and moral integrity.
- Ancient figures from the Hebrew Bible have parallels with modern superheroes and have inspired people for millennia.
Essential Questions
- In what ways have the stories of Hebrew Bible heroes influenced the perspectives and actions of American leaders and activists?
- How can ancient stories resonate and inspire actions in contemporary society?
- How does our perception of heroism change or remain consistent across different cultures and times?