Israel, a land of ancient heritage and diverse cultures, is deeply intertwined with Jewish identity. Along with ancient biblical narratives and modern archaeological discoveries, delve into a family history to uncover the profound historical connection all Jews have with Israel, no matter where their families “come from.”
Essential Questions
- What does it mean to be a diasporic people and what does the return to the Land of Israel mean for that identity?
- What are the factors that influence why Jews leave their homes, both positive and negative?
- How does Judaism change when exposed to different cultures , and what are some common threads that stay the same?
Big ideas
- All Jews are descended from Judeans who were indigenous to the Land of Israel.
- Jews can be found in different countries around the world because they were often expelled from their homes, fled, or voluntarily left to seek better opportunities.
- Though Jewish culture varies greatly because Jews have lived amongst many different cultures, all Jews share a central identity, traditions, and practices.