Making Sense of the Plan

Get clarity on the US “Peace to Prosperity” plan and walk away with tools to help teach about it.

On-Demand Recording

In this webinar from the Jewish Education Project, Dr. Sara Hirschhorn of Northwestern University, an expert on Diaspora-Israel relations, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and Israeli ultra-nationalist movement, and our own Dr. Noam Weissman, Senior Vice President at OpenDor Media unpack the US “Peace to Prosperity” plan by:

  • Exploring the ins and outs of the US proposed peace plan
  • Exploring the practical implications in Jewish educational settings

Dr. Sara Hirschhorn

Northwestern University

Dr. Sara Yael Hirschhorn teaches Israel Studies at Northwestern University and is a frequent public speaker, writer, media commentator, and foreign policy consultant on Israel/Jewish Affairs. Her expertise focuses on Diaspora-Israel relations, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the Israeli ultra-nationalist movement. Her first book, City on a Hilltop (Harvard, 2017) was the winner of the 2018 Sami Rohr Prize in Jewish Literature Choice Award. Dr. Hirschhorn also taught at the University of Oxford (2013-2018) and was a postdoctoral fellow in Israel Studies at Brandeis University (2012-2013).

Dr. Noam Weissman

Senior Vice President of Education, OpenDor Media

Dr. Noam Weissman is a Senior Vice President at OpenDor Media. He leads the education vision and implementation at OpenDor Media with a special focus on the development of meaningful content and resources for students and educators. He holds a doctorate in educational psychology from USC with a focus on curriculum design.

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