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While some Ashkenazi Jews may appear white and identify as such, the concept of whiteness is complex. Historically, Jews were considered a separate and inferior race and yet, over time, antisemitism, assimilation efforts and rising socioeconomic status have influenced the perception of “Jewish whiteness.” However, this categorization overlooks the experiences of Jews of Color and non-Ashkenazim and further perpetuates the ongoing antisemitism Jews face today.

Big Ideas

  1. Jewish identity is multifaceted and cannot be distilled into a singular racial or ethnic label.
  2. The shifting dynamics of "whiteness" have both excluded and included Jews, depending on societal contexts and pressures.
  3. Embracing or resisting the label of "white" among Ashkenazi Jews is tied to both external perceptions and internal community struggles.

Essential Questions

  1. Are Jews “white”? 
  2. To what extent do Ashkenazi Jews' perceptions of "whiteness" shape their communal narratives and interactions with other communities?
  3. How might external labels perpetuate misunderstanding or erasure of diverse Jewish experiences and histories?

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