Unpacked for Educators Collaborative

The Unpacked for Educators Collaborative is an exclusive community of schools at the forefront of Israel and Jewish education connected together for professional development, networking and expert support.

Working Together To Change Jewish Education

Premium Content

Robust library of premium multimedia content and educational resources

Learning Community

Educators representing Jewish educational institutions from across the religious and political spectrum

Professional Development

Learning and collaboration with educational staff, thought leaders and cohort community

Teach Judaism and Israel with nuance

2024-2025 Programs

Apply for a year-long partnership program, engage with the Unpacked for Educators and Prizmah educational staff as well as with each other through webinars, collaboration and programming of the highest standard.

Day School Track

Join the sixth global cohort of educators from Jewish day schools from across the religious and political spectrum. Expand your network with educators from around the globe.

Supplementary School Track

Join the third cohort of educators from supplementary schools across North America. Meet and network with educators who are committed to bringing nuanced Israel and Jewish education

Speakers: Past and Present

2023-2024 Collaborative Schools

Abraham Joshua Heschel School Adat Ari El Adat Shalom Am Yisrael Congregation B'nai Jeshurun Congregation Barkai Yeshivah Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy Bialik College Bialik High School Bnei Akiva Schools of Toronto Board of Jewish Education Brandeis School of San Francisco Brauser Maimonides Academy Brawerman West Elementary School Breman Education Center at The Temple Calgary Jewish Academy Carmel School - Australia Carmel School - Hong Kong Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School Colegio Hatikva de Barcelona Colegio Hebreo Maguen David Colegio Olami ORT Columbus Torah Academy Congregation Beth Or Congregation Gates of Heaven Congregation Ner Tamid Congregation Or Tzion Congregation Rodeph Sholom Congregation Shomrei Torah David Posnack Jewish Day School de Toledo High School Denver Academy of Torah Donna Klein Jewish Academy DRS Yeshiva High School for Boys Epstein Hillel School Frankel Jewish Academy Gann Academy Gindi Maimonides Academy Gray Academy of Jewish Education Gross Schechter Day School HAMAKOM Hannah Senesh Community Day School Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy Hebrew Academy of Long Beach Hebrew Academy of Montreal Hillel Yeshiva School Ida Crown Jewish Academy IKAR-LA Immanuel College Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy Jewish Community Secondary School Jewish Leadership Academy Kaplan Learning Center at United Synagogue of Hoboken Katz Yeshiva High School of South Florida Kehillah High Kesser Torah College King David High School King David High School Linksfield King David School Australia King David Victory Park Leibler Yavneh College Lower Merion Area Hebrew High Ma'ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls Maimonides School Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue Milken Community Schools Milwaukee Jewish Day School Moriah College Moriah School Mount Scopus Memorial College Naaleh High School Nishmat Adin Ohr Chadash Academy Pressman Academy of Temple Beth Am Ramaz School SAR Academy SAR High School Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School Shalhevet High School Shir Ami Synagogue Sinai Temple Sir Manasseh Meyer International School Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago Solomon Schechter School of Manhattan Southern California Yeshiva High School Sutton Place Synagogue / Jackson Religious School TanenbaumCHAT Tarbut V'Torah Community Day School Temple Beth Am Temple Beth Emet Merkaz Limud Temple Beth Shalom Temple Emanu-El Temple Emanu-El Temple Emanuel Temple Etz Chaim Temple Kol Ami EmanuEl Temple Kol Emeth The King David High School - Manchester The Leffell School The Leo Baeck Day School The Weber School United Herzlia Schools United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien Valley Beth Shalom Wilshire Boulevard Temple Yavneh Academy Yavneh Hebrew Academy Yeshiva College Yeshivat Frisch Yeshiva University High School for Boys Yeshivah of Flatbush YULA Girls High School

Connecting Global Jewish Educators to Each Other

Free Membership Premium Membership


Educational Resources


Experiential Learning Activities

Curricular Outlines

Feature-length films

Personalized Coaching Sessions

Curriculum Consulting

Webinars with Israel Education Experts

Online Community Platform

UED Collaborative Apply Now


I’ve been part of the UED Collaborative for the past two years and am consistently impressed by the breadth of perspectives and resources, and even more so, by the high-level discussion questions and activity suggestions that accompany each article and video. I’ve absolutely become a better Israel educator as a result of the Collaborative, and I look forward to joining again this year.
Rebecca Berger
Director of Education, IKAR, Los Angeles
I have greatly benefited from my participation in the UED Collaborative. The material that is prepared and made available to us is interesting and timely, the cohort of teachers whom I have met provide real time examples of how to navigate some of the issues that the study of Israel generates, and the monthly seminar spotlights an issue and provides a forum for educating us all on how to respond to our students about issues that are of concern to them.
Jonathan Silberman
YULA Boys, Los Angeles
I use Unpacked for Educators all the time. As I developed new courses and curriculum I’ve built them around UED - the quality of the videos, articles, podcasts and resources are the perfect building blocks for learning. The Collaborative webinars have been a significant source of professional development as well as an opportunity to learn from and interact with some of my Jewish and Israeli education heroes.
Sara Levan
Jewish Community Secondary School, London, 2024
UED is central to my teaching practice – from my research and planning, to my lesson execution and assessment, I have been so enriched as a teacher by the unbelievable content and support that UED offers. My students love the UED content… The UED Collaborative and webinars have added so much value to my classroom. The UED staff has shifted my entire outlook on syllabus development. I have become more skilled and excited about my teaching because of this unbelievable platform.
Gila Katz
King David High School Victory Park, Johannesburg, 2024
Unpacked's resources provide avenues to explore, study and develop that relationship without forcing one perspective over another. What I am most impressed with is that the materials are free from political bias and religious dogma. I love to learn and the professional development seminars provide current and relevant information to keep our lessons current and relevant for the students. Living in today's modern world, so much happens so quickly and Unpacked keeps up with what is happening... They really are the best of Judaism and Israel education.
Joshua Sevitz
King David Schools, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2024
The quality of the videos and supporting materials has widened the reach of our Israel education beyond just the Jewish Studies classroom. The Collaborative has been an additional and meaningful way for us to deepen our student engagement. The webinars have offered timely and sophisticated material, showing us different ways to enhance our curriculum. The ready availability of the team has been invaluable - they’ve added confidence and rigor to our work and allowed us to reach complex ideas with much greater success. UED has become a core part of our curriculum and a regular motivator.
Shanit Borsky
Mount Scopus Memorial College, Melbourne, 2024
Being part of the Unpacked Collaborative has been an invaluable resource for me. It has provided quality resources for my teachers and students, and allowed for the development of high level conversations that encourage students to deepen their love and commitment to the State of Israel and the Jewish people in ways that respect and honor differences. The Collaborative provides an opportunity for professional development that is rigorous and nourishing for those of us engaged in preparing young people for their futures - not only about Israel, but as young Jews in an ever changing and sometimes hostile global environment.
Esther Tokayer
Associate Principal, Barkai Yeshivah High School, Brooklyn NY

In Partnership With

Supported By

the Pincus Fund for Jewish Education, Israel

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